Get into your amazon account and manage your kindle. Then add your iPad to the list of registered devices. Once you do that you use the drop down box next to each already purchased item in your purchase history to download it to your kindle or iPad. And you do this All on your iPad. When you select to download to your iPad it will automatically add it to your iPad in the kindle reader app.
Jan Newport RI
--- In, pat h - oh <path48@...> wrote:
> If I try to buy a book I already purchased, I get a polite reminder from Amazon that I already purchased this book. This is when I'm browsing on my computer. It may be different if you try from your iPad or the Kindle itself.
> pat h - oh
> --- On Sun, 4/24/11, bj <bjones44@...> wrote:
> From: bj <bjones44@...>
> Subject: Re: [iPad] Getting a Kindle book on to the iPad?
> To:
> Date: Sunday, April 24, 2011, 5:06 PM
> If you have already bought the book, *DO NOT* try to d/l by selecting it in
> the Kindle Store, thinking you're just d/l it again -- you would be *PAYING*
> for it again -- Kindle purchases are 1-click, so there's no p/w request to
> warn you. BTDT & traded oopsie emails with customer service, who did give me
> a refund but I wouldn't want to depend on that.
> If you have bought the book already, look for it in your Archive. If you
> think you've bought it but don't see it in Archive, go to the Manage Your
> Kindle section in your account & look for it.
> bj
[iPad] Re: Getting a Kindle book on to the iPad?