I am going to sound like an asshole here. The OPs question was about leaving the charger plugged in, not the iPad to the charger. I think this thread has gone in two directions. When I do not have a device connected to the charger it is at room temp. probably using less power than my reusable battery charger or my alarm clock. When my devices are charged I remove them. This is sort of a rant. Sorry, it's been a very long day. Every one take care. It is very cold in NA.
On Feb 1, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Nicole Mathisen wrote:
> For battery operated devices, the advice has always been to unplug when charging is complete. The current advice to unplug electrical equipment when not in use is intended to help people save money and reduce their demand on the environment. It has nothing to do with damage to the device except for storm related electrical spikes which has always been a problem.
> Yes, I know that saving 1 kw per month will only save you $1.80 per year and will have a negligible impact on the environment, but if everyone in the US did it, the combined savings would be a savings of $555120734.40 per year and 3700804896 less pounds of carbon dioxide each year. Calculations are based on $0.15 per kWh and 1kw = 1lb carbon dioxide.
> Sent from Nicole's iPad
> On Feb 1, 2011, at 9:44 PM, "valleylist" <g_mcpaul@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> general advice is to leave the device plugged in only as long as needed to charge or use the electronic device. yet in the days of home stereos everything was plugged in all the time regardless of being used or having music played. the new technology is weak by comparison with heavy duty home entertainment.
>> greg mckenna
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Re: [iPad] Re: OK to leave charger plugged in?