Re: [iPad] game wont respond any longer



Usually these games are based on an account, which means info is stored not on local device, but on servers.  I tested this out by deleting Farm Story on my iPad and then reloading from the app store.  Took a few moments to load (not sure how long, as I laid it down and walked off), but it loaded my farm fine.  Your mileage may vary on this - but for what it's worth, that's what happened when I did it!

I haven't had that particular app lock up on me, but I have had it happen a couple of times with other apps, and they were fine after re-loading.

If an app does have data stored locally and you lose it, am I right that doing a restore would bring it back?  (Assuming that you had backed it up before deleting, of course!)


On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 11:06 PM, Garrie Landry <> wrote:

I have been playing the simple free game Farm Story for some time, and all of a sudden this week my game will not launch,

I have tried starting the game over and over,

even after syncing the ipad, and doing a full shut down and restart of the ipad but it will not work,

I even tried loading another (different) version of Farm Story and it wont open either

All other games work fine.

Im afraid if I delete the game from my ipad and then put it back on, I will Loose everything I have accomplished,

Any suggestions on how to make it work again

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