On Oct 30, 2012, at 1:16 PM, whiterabbit32 <whiterabbit32@gmail.com> wrote:
Isn't the Kindle mainly for book reading and reading email?
\\ /\( ) White Rabbit 32.( ). Sent from my iPhone 5Yea well how many apps can you get on a kindle? Oh yea. Piddly~KLM\,,/ 01001100 01001111 01001100 \,,/http://www.padgadget.com/2012/10/29/fight-amazon-takes-the-gloves-off-against-apples-ipad-mini/#.UI6XGX4TBaA.mailto
I like Amazon and their ecosystem, especially since they've made parts of it work on the iPad. I have a Kindle Fire from last year, but ended up giving it to my wife for book/magazine reading.
Sent from my iPad 3