Re: [iPad] Re: What's up with the beeping noise?


I think you need a strong charge from a wal socket to jump start a completely discharged iPad. Once it has 10-15 percent charge then you can slow charge via computer or even iphone charger.

Sent from my iPad

On Jul 3, 2011, at 7:47 AM, "Michele" <> wrote:


Yes, the iPhone charger is not strong enough for the iPad, the voltage is lower. You can use it, but it only gives a trickle charge. I do it sometimes, but will get the message that my iPad is not charging (even though it's plugged in), and when I come back later, the battery percentage is actually higher, it just takes much longer to get there with an iPhone charger. It sounds like you're getting the sound when your iPhone or iPad battery gets disconnected from the charger. I always have my sound turned off so I never realized it does that sound when the charger isn't strong enough.

--- In, Cherie <cherie21362@...> wrote:
> I was traveling with my husband when my iPad battery got pretty low. I plugged my iPad into his iPhone car charger and it seemed to be charging. After a few moments on the charger, My iPad sterted emitting this annoying "BBLING" noise every 5 seconds. Last time I heard this sound was from hubby's iPhone when it wouldn't take a charge. Anyone know why it was blinging?
> Cherié----Sent from my iPad

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