Re: [iPad] 3G Verizon connectivity issue


A) the article was from April 2011
B) I ditched Verizon and won't go back so I didnt recall seeing it as it didn't pertain to me (a common phenomenon to thosebof us with limited space between the ears)

The Journal suggested, "One fix circulating around the Internet has been to turn the cellular data switch to on and then reboot the tablet by turning it off and back on again. Another message board user has suggested erasing the content of the iPad after backing up the data, which others have commented as effective."


(^= I rocked this email on my iPad2 =^)

On Jul 30, 2011, at 7:02 PM, "Ed G" <> wrote:



  Murry,  you pulling my leg… or ?     Yes,    I believe I saw this issue briefly mentioned a few weeks ago here on this discussion group.  It surely is common knowledge if you Google it,  although Apple is yet to admit any fault.   Latest info I could get Apple and Verizon were pointing fingers of blame at each other while a multitude of customers are waiting helplessly with Verizon 3G connectivity issues.


  Oops …. Apple now confirms:   Latest info just in on this:




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