Re: [iPad] Re: Exporting photos from iPad to Computer


I kept having to look up how to do it (since W7 doesn't have that nice
import-wizard) before I actually wrote a crib sheet; I'm *beginning* to
remember w/o having to check my notes! XP wizard was *so much easier!*

How long did it take for the import?
And how long will it take you to "organize" them? :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Janet Golay
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2011 7:29 PM
Subject: [iPad] Re: Exporting photos from iPad to Computer

YEAH BJ!! Thanks so much for your very clear directions on how to export my
photos from my iPad2 to my XP PC. Once I got on the right track, I realized
I needed to update the iPad2 driver to get the computer to recognize the
iPad2 as a camera/scanner. I downloaded the driver, restarted both the PC
and iPad2 and it worked like a charm!!! All photos are successfully
exported. I really appreciate your quick response and your assistance.
And, there were others with suggestions and I thank you as well.

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