The iPad 2 still corrects only spellings but does not highlight grammar or semantic errors. The incorrect use of a valid word is not stopped by it but may cause confusion to the reader. Hope the future iPad model may incorporate more sophisticated software.
Some people do not use English as their primary language. Some people may not have the mental acuity necessary. Others may have different but equally valid reasons. While, lastly, others may not value correct English grammar, punctuation and spelling as much as you do.all this variety makes the world go aroundCheerz ;)
~KM--\,,/(^_^)\,,/(^= I rocked this email on my iPad2 =^)---Q. How come a lot of people that post regularly to this group CONSISTENTLY spell words wrong to the point it's very difficult to understand what they are trying to say?.A Either turn off autocorrect or proof read before sending.
Cherié----Sent from my iPadThanks carl..... I totally agree. :)MaríaSent from my iPadOn Jun 29, 2011, at 4:52 PM, Jim Saklad <> wrote:
The first things that comes to my <extremely cynical> mind is:
"How do I use Google to find answers about the iPad?"
"How do I get to ?"Jim,Obviously if those tools did it all, we wouldn't need this group at all would we?The Apple site is a great source for Apple's products, especially the tour videos at
Google is also a great resource; however, it has everything out there. I am creating a single page that answer the most common questions that a new iPad owner would have.
Even if you just turn on the device and never add a 3rd party app, there are tons of questions a newbie will have. If I am asked the same thing over and over, it makes since to provide a document to provide the answers consistently and conveniently.
I work in IT support, so it is a habit that is built into me; fix, educate and share.
Thanks,Carl W. BrooksiAmThereforeiPad, Founder and Chief EditoriPad News, Reviews and How-To-Dos.We help make your iPad experience Magical through information!