I don't see how & trust me I've tried. Got clues?
Sent from Ingrid's iPad
Sent from Ingrid's iPad
You may even be able to forward them to tour evernote instead of copy paste
~KM--\,,/(^_^)\,,/(^= I rocked this email on my iPad2 =^)---Well I think I've solved the "saving" email issue (I'm a PC using Outlook since dot) by copying & pasting certain emails into Evernote. Phew! I'm going on a trip next week & wanted to have all my reservation receipts with me electronically (& not accidentally delete them from the mailbox). Now I've got it--yea!
I'm also taking an online course & am saving the text (for now) for studying.
You may think, well DUH!, she finally got it & you'd be right!
Sent from Ingrid's iPad