Re: [iPad] Bashing


Why have an iPad group? Because I wanted to talk about iPads with people who also wanted to talk about iPads. That was actually my reason. No lie


(^= I rocked this email on my iPad2 =^)

On Jul 28, 2011, at 8:40 AM, Jack <> wrote:


Give the "old man" (me) a break.  If those sources were all encompassing, why have an iPad group ?  I'm trying all sources, hoping to absorb as much as possible.

Jack, ae8p

On Jul 28, 2011, at 11:30 AM, Jim Saklad wrote:


> I don't have any specific problem with the iPad, but there is much to learn and I've found the owners manual is terribly lacking. I'm slowly learning but you "old timers" already know how everything works.
> Jack, ae8p

Have a look in the App Store, and the iBook Store, for reading materials about the iPad.

Jim Saklad

Apple: Rise, and rise again, until lambs become lions

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