Re: [iPad] No more CDs!


I am keeping the CDs in storage. Re the question of whether my audio files were obtained legally, does the iTunes file info as below show a band was likely ripped from a disk rather than downloaded from a electronic source? Would that be a good enough defense? Really, I've been so straight arrow about DR I'm not all worried.


On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 9:11 AM, Jerry Jankura <> wrote:

Out of curiosity - what are you doing with the CD's after you rip them? I think that you should keep them around somewhere just in case some of the sue-happy RIAA types come a calling and claim that you got all of that music illegally. It's probably a long shot that would happen to you, but the music distribution system is changing dramatically.

Jerry Jankura 
So many toys.... So little time...
Sent from my iPad

On Feb 1, 2011, at 11:05 PM, Susan fleischman <> wrote:

Hope you have "carbonite" or something like it just in case you loose the, you will be able to get them back!

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