Re: [iPad] The Best Cydia Apps for iPad 4.2.1 (JailBroken)


Does iFile require a jail-broken iPAD? I have the camera connection kit

If it does is there an App which would allow my (unjail-broken) to read files from a flash drive?



-----Original Message-----
From: M. Magno <>
To: iPad <>
Sent: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 17:19
Subject: Re: [iPad] The Best Cydia Apps for iPad 4.2.1 (JailBroken)

I have the camera connection kit and was able to browse the files of a flash drive via iFile. Some flash drives don't work though - comes up with the message "The connected USB device requires too much power".

Thanks for the excellent tips Carl.

Now that you have files that are stored on the iPad like movies, songs, zip files in the /var/mobile/Library/Downloads folder; how do you access them? You can access these files with an app like iFile. Looks like the Jailbroken iPad could stand in for your desktop computer for handling file transfers. Some people have gotten a flash drive to mount to the iPad using Apple's Camera Connection Kit. With the help of iFile (Cydia File Browser App) they can also browse the content of the Flash Drive. I don't have the camera connection kit, so I can't vouch for that, but it helps me manage the files that I download with the Safari Download Plug-in.

On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 10:55 PM, Carl Brooks <> wrote:
I am Therefore iPad: The Best Cydia Apps for iPad 4.2.1 (JailBroken)

The Best Cydia Apps for iPad 4.2.1 (JailBroken)

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