i find a few interesting. but nothing that google vcouldnt do, like google reader, gogle news, a , a time, level, , wihte board; nothing worth a buck on its own, but most wortha penny, hence its worth the buck, imo.
"Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future." ~ Steve Jobs (of the iPod Company)
On Feb 1, 2011, at 4:17 AM, Carl W. Brooks wrote:
Clearly all 90 apps can't be wonderful, which ones do you like best in Appzilla?Itunes: http://tinyurl.com/4a6yln7Thanks,Carl W. BrooksiAmThereforeiPad, Founder and Chief EditoriPad News, Reviews and How-To-Dos.We help make your iPad experience Magical through information!The whole bundle 90 free apps for a buck is interesting....