Header design contest
After many brutal hours of deliberation, we narrowed the headers down to 15 finalists. Please vote here to choose the header design that you'd like to appear on the top of LiveJournal during the month of March. We'll begin accepting entries for the next header design contest next week. As we mentioned in the last newsletter, we've decided to try out something new! We'll be inviting submissions on the general theme of health and healing in honor of our quirky new game, Sim Hospital. You're free to use any images you like from the game or choose your own original designs (i.e., you must be the owner of any artwork you enter). We'll accept entries up through Monday, March 21st, at 4PM, PDT. The winner will be awarded 2,500 LJ Tokens. Finalists will receive 1,000 LJ Tokens. All other participants will earn 500 LJ Tokens (a limit of one award per user). We thank you, again, for making LiveJournal your canvas! |
New Zealand earthquake recovery
Thanks to a user suggestion, we've added a charitable vgift to fund earthquake recovery efforts in New Zealand. We'll donate 100% of the money we raise from the sale of this vgift to the New Zealand Red Cross, which is already on the ground providing emergency health care. Once again, we thank you for helping us make a difference. |
Did you know ...?
We recently received a request from a contest finalist who wanted to know if we could send his/her LJ Tokens to another user. So we decided to take this opportunity to tell you how to give LJ Tokens to other users as gifts. LJ Tokens represent LiveJournal currency and can be purchased and transferred freely. While you cannot purchase LJ Tokens for another user, so long as you have LJ Tokens in your account, you are free to send them to other users in any increments you like. Here's how:
If you wish to stock up on LJ Tokens, visit the LJ Token area of the Gift Shop. You can buy 500 LJ Tokens for $5; 1,000 for $9; or 3,000 for $25. Happy giving! |
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