[MacBook] RE: RE: RE: Zooming while entering text


 In OS 10.9 Mavericks; go into SYSTEM PREFERENCES/ ACCESSIBILITY/ ZOOM/ and choose the ZOOM PARAMETERS as noted above.  The quality of zoom isn't so great, but its better than squinting!

---In macbook@yahoogroups.com, <cwfingertalker@...> wrote:

Hello to the Group,

It works for me using OS 10.6.8.  The parameters are listed under System Preferences/Trackpad.  I have the option of choosing which key to initiate the zoom (control/option/command).  I have an old MacBook.


---In macbook@yahoogroups.com, <lloydparsons@...> wrote:

Aha!  It has to be turned on in Preferences to work.  Here's the info to turn on the function:

  1. Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Accessibility, then click Zoom.
  2. Select "Use scroll gesture with modifier keys to zoom" to turn on zooming, and enter a modifier key or keys to turn zooming on or off. (To use multiple modifier keys, press them at the same time.)
  3. Set additional zoom options:
    • Select "Smooth images" to make the zoomed screen images appear smooth.
    • Select "Zoom follows keyboard focus" to make the zoomed image shift to follow your cursor.
    • Select Fullscreen or Picture-in-picture from the Zoom Style pop-up menu.
When screen zoom is turned on, hold down the modifier key and scroll using the trackpad to enlarge and reduce the screen image.

On Nov 17, 2013, at 9:43 AM, sun shine <sun_shinetoo@...> wrote:

Try it with the control key.       That works for me whether I use the trackpad or the mouse.   Apple mouse or Logitech wireless mouse.
My Pro is 2010, not retina obviously.  :-)

From: Lloyd Parsons <lloydparsons@...>
To: macbook@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2013 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: [MacBook] Zooming while entering text

Doesn't work on my 2012 MacBook Pro w/Retina either.

I suspect it is an added gesture from one of the trackpad tools you can find here and there.  For me, it was in JITouch which no longer works in Mavericks and has been deprecated by the developer.


On Nov 17, 2013, at 9:23 AM, bryan.rawlings@... wrote:

Thanks, but no joy on my MacBook Air. Is there some option I should have chosen for the trackpad which would make this work? 

---In macbook@yahoogroups.com, <rhum1@...> wrote:

The following command zooms the entire screen in all programs.  Hold down the Command key. then use two fingers side by side on the trackpad and drag up to zoom in, and drag down to zoom out.  Hope this helps. 

---In macbook@yahoogroups.com, <bryan.rawlings@...> wrote:

I'm a new Mac user with my MacBook Air. It's the 11" model and I find it helpful - read necessary - often to zoom the text size when working on it. I can do this in the Microsoft Office applications and when reading messages in Mail but I have not yet found how to zoom text when I am typing a message in Mail. This must be possible but can someone point out to me how? Thanks in advance, Bryan

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