I am not an expert, but do buy stocks and sell stocks. A long time ago I learned that profitability and sales of a company are rarely reflected in the value of the stock. You would think they should be related but they aren't. For example, I owned at one-time Correction Corp. of America stock. They were and are doing great. Lots of criminals in jail and many governments turning over jails to corporations to save money. The stock never did well and I finally sold it. And I purchased Apple and it went down. Sometimes I think brokers and investment people talk up a stock good or bad so people will buy or sell. Either way the brokers make money.
Jay Beckham
Building a large O Scale layout in Berkeley Springs, WV.
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"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference"
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