Yes, ma'am! I do this as well. I forsee a new App coming out:

"Addicted to apps and your iDevices? There's an app for that...;

Presenting 'AppAnon'.

Now, at the App Store"

<Cue Apple logo>

Can see the ads now. :-)

On Nov 1, 2010, at 5:59 AM, April Duritza wrote:

> I bought mine in June, and I don't go anywhere without it in my purse. I charge it at night next to my bed. I've only left it home one day, when I was waiting for it to back up. There may be a new psychiatric profession for iPad owners in the making. That said, I think most people who have smartphones carry them with them everywhere, and nobody thinks that's weird. I don't have a smartphone yet, so Paddy has to come along instead. I'd be interested to see if I still needed the iPad at all times if I also had the smartphone.
> April

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