Re: [iPad] iPad magically solves crimes on NCIS


Yes, those two apps in particular are ridiculous.  The computer would spend more time updating the display than it would searching results.  Also, the clicking sound would get very annoying.

The letters appearing on the screen are not as bad as when the police use the keypad to bring up images.


On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 8:37 AM, Mitch <> wrote:

That is almost the opposite of 'real lawyers' finding them useful.
TV uses things they think look good, or that just give the actors something to gesture with. Have you never noticed that computer input is different, that letters often appear onscreen with a click sound, that data searches always display all records in series rather than just the result?
(My favorite examples are fingerprint or face-recognition searches that show hundreds of samples onscreen.)


[from mePad]

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