Go to Settings/Videos/Show All Videos. Turn that switch off to only show downloaded videos.
Sent from my iPad 3
I have a hundred movies I bet, all in the cloud and there are icons of each movie in that section. Where do they put the ones I have synced or downloaded? I'm sunk if they are mixed in with all the ones that are not downloaded.Terry
2b. Re: IOS7 movies
Posted by: "Pat Taylor" pat412@mac.com pat412255
Date: Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:03 pm ((PDT))
Mine are in the Videos app under both Movies & TV shows.
Sent from my iPad...On Sep 23, 2013, at 3:51 PM, Terry Pogue <tpogue@comcast.net> wrote:Where does iOS 7 put movies on the iPad mini that I sync from my iTunes iMac desktop? It puts my audiobooks in Music app in the genres section.I thought the iTunes movies would be in Videos app but all I see there are miles and miles of images of movies I've bought that are on the cloud. Wish I could get them in list form so they wouldn't take up so much room ...had to find stuff.Thanks for any help, it's got me tearing my hair out.TerrySent from my iPad
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