Re: [iPad] Apple polishes forecast after selling 9 million new iPhones


So the negativity is because you cannot use it one handed for everything? 

On my 5 I can reach past the right of the keyboard to type without stretching, and I dont have big hands and the phone would be no where that wide. I'd say a tickle over 1cm is no issue to reach the top right of the keyboard should it go that far, which it wont. Scrolling is no issue. Sure top of screen is a stretch but if some users live with that to recieve a benefit of a larger screen thats a free choice

Should these discussions be about CHANGING to only a larger screen, thats a whole different issue, and Apple would not do that.

Not every phone is a boulder, thats where moving the screen up and down , tickle wider, reducing bezel, make a big difference. The 5 with those mods would be around 4.4 I think when I measured this a while back with no form factor change. Again, if the issue was stopping the 4 and making only a 4.7 or thereabouts, I fully agree with your points raised.

From: Jim Saklad <>
Sent: Tuesday, 24 September 2013 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: [iPad] Apple polishes forecast after selling 9 million new iPhones

>> Why do some of us here have this negativity about a larger screen
> I have big hands amd I want my phone to be one handed in operation. Maybe once I get better with Siri I'll be able to do one handed with a larger screen that way.
> ~KLM

Hold your iPhone comfortably in the palm of your hand.
Swing your thumb across the face.

How much further tha the opposite edge of the keyboard can you comfortably and reliably reach, as if to type?

Jim Saklad

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