[MacBook] RE: iOS7


Hello to the Group,

I found another little useful tool in iOS7.  Go to Settings/Cellular Data and you will find a cellular data usage "meter".  This is good for monitoring how much subscription you use from Verizon / ATT.  At the beginning of each purchase you can reset the meter at the very bottom of the list.



---In macbook@yahoogroups.com, <yah@...> wrote:

On 22 Sep 2013, at 6:53 PM, David Smith <davidsmith.01123@...> wrote:

On Sep 21, 2013, at 1:35 AM, Jonathon_M_Johnson@... wrote:

Thanks for the Music radio option comment, now I do not have to listen to Pandora all the time.

Try this:

From a quick look at Apple's radio, I think tunein is better.

More categories, for one thing, including New Age, which is important for me and which Apple leaves out.

Didn't Apple have a radio-stations app before, tho?  What's new about what they have now?

These are three different things.

Apple does (did?) have a directory of "Internet Radio" stations inside of iTunes. But these weren't operated by Apple. It was just a directory of known streaming sources that were compatible with iTunes, for convenience.

iTunes Radio is a new project by Apple that puts together the music that is already offered for sale on iTunes, into a streaming program. It is 100% run by Apple, and every song you hear is from the store, so Apple has all of the info behind it. That's also why you see the purchase link. If you like what you hear, buy it. You can listen to iTunes Radio for free, with ads, or if you already pay for iTunes Match, iTunes Radio is included, no ads. Each record label, including mine, received contract amendments for iTunes Radio several weeks ago. If you find certain songs, or even certain genres, missing from the lineup, it's possible that some music makers didn't want their music on there, or didn't respond promptly. But this is just getting started. I'd expect it to keep growing.

The TuneIn app is pretty cool, but all it does is point you at the streaming sources of real terrestrial radio stations, and make a nice unified UI for them all, Flash free. That's great if a station that you like offers a stream (and gets on TuneIn's list--I don't know that you can directly enter a URL, can you?). I grabbed that app when it was free one weekend. I don't know that I'd pay $7 for it.

If you want to check it out when it goes free again, or any other interesting iOS apps, bookmark this URL and check it daily...


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